RIZZOLI & ISLES is a character-driven crime series that centers on police detective Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) who works alongside medical examiner Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander). These two strong, smart and relatable women bring their unique skills and will take the viewer for a thrilling ride as they track down some of the country’s most twisted criminals and solve sensational crimes.
YOU AND A GUEST ARE INVITED TO A SPECIAL SCREENING AND PARTY FOR TNT’s new series based on a series of novels by Tess Gerritsen Sunday, July 11, 2010 at 8:00PM with Special appearance by best selling author Tess Gerritsen
The special screening and party will be held at a venue in Times Square. You must continue reading this email to find out how to RSVP.
To enter to receive your ticket (good for two) please RSVP with your full name to RizzoliIslesnewyork@gmail.com. and tell them Curby sent you! You must RSVP and bring your ticket with you for admission to the event.
Limited space available. Please arrive early. All passes are first-come, first-served. An RSVP does not guarantee admission to the event. Passes are non-transferable. Thanks to our friends at Super channel TNT for this information!