First you get to appoint yourself the building's recycling manager, Nice! Your neighbors will show you a whole new level of respect if they have been complaining recently that the music coming out of your apartment is way too loud! Next you'd be amazed at what people actually throw away! Since I started recycling for my building in Brooklyn I have found a NEW Italian espresso maker ($150 on ebay) an IBM Think Pad (which I'm writing this post with), a pristine condition security gate for the fire escape window (a $200 value) building materials (Bath room tiles) and many other useful things all without having to crawl in and out of dumpsters like those other folks do (no disrespect, it's just not my style).
Here's a tip, when you take these items to be recycled as a donation you can take a tax deduction in gas or travel expenses on your 1040 and remember to ask for receipts from any none profit organisation that take your items so that you can (within reason) claim them as non monetary donations at tax time (check with your accountant or tax software as tax laws change yearly) which could lower your tax burden. You can set up a schedule with your building super as to when you want to gather up the recyclables and he or she will hold them in their storage room for you and if your single, I've found this is a great way to impress a date!
Ok who'll take it all you're asking? Well you should always consider your fellow Curby readers first so post an ad on Curby Classifieds first and let us know if you were able to pass on the item. We'll send you something special ; ) But our friends at the Goodwill organization are ready and waiting to take many things including ewaste. They have locations all over New York state and most are open on Sundays. See you at the movies! ~ Curby